About Me

Jenn Holliday Photo

Hello, I’m Jenn, an aspiring Front-End Developer. Originally from Western New York, and after living in and experiencing several different states across the U.S over the past 20 years, I have settled in the beautiful state of Colorado and am based in the Denver metro area.

For the past 24 years, I have worked as an Occupational Therapist, primarily serving the older adult population. The aspect I love most about my job is helping others find the best solutions for their current situation so that they can live a happy and fulfilled life. I am now taking that passion of helping others and applying it to the world of Front-End Development. I have always had an interest in technology and I am excited to see where this new adventure takes me. There’s a solution for every problem and I love the lightbulb moments when it all comes together!

When I’m not working as a therapist or advancing my development knowledge, you can find me hiking/backpacking with my husband, hammocking with a good book, throwing a frisbee for Olive, our Border Collie, paddleboarding, knitting a basket, hunting for new recipes or learning new things like wood-burning.  I hope you stick around and enjoy the ride with me!

My Knowledge Base...Expanded


These are two of the core foundations for building a website. HTML is used for creating the skeleton, the outline of the webpage(s), while CSS is used for the visual styling of the page(s) through the integration of colors, fonts, sizing, spacing, etc.


Quite simply, Javascript is a programming language that enables dynamic behavior, on both the user and server side. In other words, it allows the webpage(s) to be interactive and come to life.


Short for Search Engine Optimization. By choosing the ideal titles and descriptions for each webpage, as well as designing for static and mobile devices, your online content is optimized for targeted traffic through organic search engine results, thus catching the attention of your desired visitors.


Short for Application Programming Interface. This allows applications to talk to each other and exchange necessary data, easily and securely, so that your desired outcome is achieved. Think of it as a middleman. Every time you use an app to check the weather, to send a message or to check on a football score, you are using an API.

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